# Brioche backup configuration file. # # This file is sourced by the brioche backup script. # It should only contain configuration directive, even if technically, more # advanced sections are possible. # BACKUPTAB: Full path to the file describing the backups to perform BACKUPTAB="/etc/briochetab" # MAILTO: Who should receive the email report MAILTO="root" # REPODIR: Where to store the week's backup (locally) REPODIR="/backup" # USAGE_WARN: Add a warning if the REPODIR is nearly full USAGE_WARN="80" # COMPRESS: What kind of compression should tar use. # Can be "gz", "bz2" or "lzma". Make sure your version of tar understands it. COMPRESS="gz" # TAR_OPTS: Additionnal options to the tar invocation. TAR_OPTS="--one-filesystem -S" # SNAPSHOT_MOUNTPOINT: Where to mount the temporary LVM snaphot SNAPSHOT_MOUNTPOINT="/mnt/backup-snapshot" # SNAPSHOT_NAME: How to name the snapshot logical volume SNAPSHOT_NAME="brioche-snapshot" # SNAPSHOT_SIZE: The size of the snapshot. See lvcreate(8) for size suffix. # Make sure that it will never become full, or it would be destroyed # automatically, rendering the backup unusable. SNAPSHOT_SIZE="5G" # USE_FTP: Not yet implemented. USE_FTP="no" # FTP_HOST="ftpback.example.com" # FTP_USER="username" # FTP_PASS="password" # FTP_KEEP="4"