.. HTML version generated with LC_ALL=C rst2html -t README > README.html .. |date| date:: %b %e, %Y Bold - The Byte Optimized Linker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Amand Tihon :Contact: :Version: 0.2.0 :Date: |date| :Copyright: GNU GPL version 3 + Exception, see copyright file. .. sectnum:: .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none Abstract ======== Bold is an ELF linker, currently only targetting x86_64 under Linux. Being limited in capabilities, it should not be considered as an all-purpose linker. Rationale ========= Bold's main purpose is to generate very small executable programs. While ``ld`` from the GNU binutils can do almost anything anyone would ever need, some specific goals need an awful lot of tweaking, or can simply not be achieved. Bold uses several tricks to reduce the size of the final executable binary. Getting Bold ============ You can download the tarball from http://www.alrj.org/projects/bold or get the latest development version with the following git command: :: git clone http://git.alrj.org/git/bold.git A gitweb interface is also available at http://git.alrj.org/ Requirements ============ Bold itself is entirely written in Python. There are no additionnal dependencies. The runtime library that contains the external symbols resolver is written in assembler (Intel syntax). An assembler like Nasm or Yasm is needed to recompile the source code into an object file. Installation ============ Go into Bold's directory, and run :: python setup.py build Then, as root or using sudo, run :: python setup.py install Using Bold ========== Synopsys -------- bold [options] objfile... Description ----------- Bold combines a number of object files, relocate their data and resolves their symbols references, in order to generate executable binaries. Bold has only one, very specific purpose: making small executables. Options ------- --version Show program's version and exit. -h, --help Show help message and exit. -e SYMBOL, --entry=SYMBOL Use SYMBOL as the explicit symbol for beginning execution of your program. If ``--raw`` is specified, it defaults to ``_start``. -l LIBNAME, --library=LIBNAME Link against the shared library specified by LIBNAME. Bold relies on python's ctypes module to find the libraries. This option may be used any number of times. -L DIRECTORY, --library-path=DIRECTORY This option does nothing, and is present ony for compatibility reasons. It MAY get implemented in the future, though. This option may be used any number of times. -o FILE, --output=FILE Set the output file name (default value is a.out). --raw Don't include the builtin external symbols resolution code. This is described in details further in this document. -c, --ccall Make external symbols directly callable by C, without having to declare the pointers on functions. This option adds 6 bytes for each externally defined function. This is described in details further in this document. -a, --align Align the wrappers for external symbols on an 8 byte boundary, to take advantage of the RIP-relative addressing. This is described in details further in this document. Notes ----- The ``LD_PRELOAD`` environment variable may not always work (as expected or at all). The ``main()`` function is called without any argument. Its return code is used as exit code, though. Internals ========= External symbols resolution --------------------------- The "import by hash" method is from parapete, leblane, las, as described on http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=5392 Calling from C -------------- If you write your code in C and need to call the external symbols, you basically have two options. The first one is to redefine them (or define new ones) to call by pointers. For instance, :: int SDL_Init(int); would become: :: int (*SDL_Init)(int); Repeat it for all functions, or write a tool to automate it (hint: look at http://research.mercury-labs.org/ibh-i386-0.2.2.tar.gz for help). There's a second possibility however, and it's the one used by Bold when you specify the ``--ccall`` option: make the resolved symbol point, not to the address of the function, but to a JMP instruction to the actual address: :: global SDL_Init .text SDL_Init: jmp [rel _bold__SDL_Init] SDL_SetVideoMode: jmp [rel _bold__SDL_SetVideoMode] .bss _bold__SDL_Init resq ; Filled by the import by hash code _bold__SDL_SetVideoMode resq This approach takes 6 bytes (the JMP instruction) for each external function used. Aligning -------- The x86_64 architecture has this nice thing called "RIP-relative addressing". If all the JMP instructions are in the same order than the pointers to the functions they refer to, having them aligned with the pointers would result in identical instructions. This is done with the ``--align`` option. Adding two null bytes between each JMP enlarges the final executable by 2 x (number of function - 1) bytes, and may seem to go against our goal. However, the result is a repetition of the *same eight bytes*, something that can improve compression a lot! Additional Trick 1: DT_DEBUG ---------------------------- Bold declares a global symbol named ``_dt_debug``, that points to the value of the ``DT_DEBUG`` entry of the ``DYNAMIC`` table, for easy access. Just in case, the ``DYNAMIC`` table can also be reached using the global ``_DYNAMIC`` symbol. Additional Trick 2: Short DYNAMIC table --------------------------------------- Executables generated by ``ld`` usually have a lot of entries in their ``DYNAMIC`` table. Bold puts only the strict necessary: - One ``DT_NEEDED`` entry for each shared library to load (obviously). - A ``DT_SYMTAB`` entry, with null-pointer. Without this one, the interpreter wouldn't do its job. - a ``DT_DEBUG`` entry, that will be used for symbol resolution. And that's it! Examples ======== The ``examples/`` directory contains a port of the *flow2* intro (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=30589). Adding the dropper is left as an exercise for the reader.